Terms and Conditions of Use (T&C)
1. About us
The ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL ASSETS or ADAN (hereinafter the “Association”) is an association governed by the French law of 1901, whose purpose is to promote the development of crypto-asset professionals in France and in Europe; basing its activities on the following two pillars: To federate by establishing common positions of the sector’s professionals on substantive issues related to crypto-assets; to promote access to knowledge for its members; to facilitate synergies of expertise and opportunities for business partnerships between the actors of the ecosystem; and to promote by contributing to the enhancement and development of the sector and its jobs; by working with the Public Authorities and the economic players; by actively participating in working groups in France, Europe and internationally and by removing existing blockages with the institutions; It may carry out economic activities within the framework of its object and be led to create, participate in and manage any structure or grouping, to implement any judicial or extrajudicial action which contributes directly or indirectly to its object;
The Association, via its Website, allows its members to consult their personal account, to update their personal information, to consult the expiry date of their membership, to download their invoice, to propose their recruitment needs so that they appear on the Association’s Website, to propose educational resources and to benefit from exclusive information.
For any enquiries regarding the above or in these terms and conditions, please contact us via the email address: [email protected].
2. Preamble
The purpose of these general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as “GTCU”) is to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions under which ADAN makes the Site and its services available and to define the conditions of access to and use of the services by the “User”.
These GTC are accessible on the Site under the heading “GTC”.
The Association invites all persons browsing the Site and all Users to read these GTC carefully.
Continued browsing of the Site: as well as any registration and use of the said Site imply acceptance of these GTC without any reservation or restriction by the User. When registering on the Site via the Registration Form, each User expressly accepts these GCU by ticking the box preceding the following text: “I acknowledge having read and understood the GCU and I accept them”.
In the event of non-acceptance of these GTU, the User must renounce access to the services offered by the Site.
The version of these GTU currently online is the only one that can be used during the entire period of use of the Site, until a new version replaces it.
In the event of subsequent modification of these GCU, the User is subject to the version in force at the time of his connection to his Reserved Area.
3. Definitions
“Member” means the Professional who has paid his membership fee to the Association, allowing him to access his Reserved Area on the Website;
“Association” means the ADAN Association, more fully described in Article I hereof;
“General Terms of Use” or “GTU” means these general terms of use;
“Content” means all the elements constituting the information on the Site (texts, images, videos, algorithms, software, etc.) and allowing its proper functioning, the information of Users and the presentation of services;
“Intellectual property rights” means all intellectual property rights and related rights (copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, trade names, databases) as protected by the Intellectual Property Code (Law n°92-587 of 1st July 1992). The version in force is the one applicable at the time of consultation of the Site by the User.
“Reserved Area” or “Member’s Area” refers to the Member’s own area allowing him/her to access the Association’s services, which he/she can only access by his/her own login and password;
“Functionality” means all the functions and services made available to Users via the ADAN Website.
“Professional” means a legal entity acting in the course of its professional activity;
“Website” means this Website, i.e. or any Website operated by ADAN and made available to the User;
“Settlement” means any settlement or settlement agreement made by the registered User on this Site;
“User” means any person using the Site and having access to its contents.
4. Registration on the Site
Registration on the Site is open to all legal entities with full personality and legal capacity.
The use of the Member Area is conditional upon the registration of one User per member company. Registration is free of charge subject to registration with the Association (for a fee).
To register, the User must fill in all the mandatory fields; otherwise, registration cannot be completed.
Users guarantee and declare on their honour that all the information communicated on the Site, in particular when registering, is accurate and compliant. They undertake to update their personal information on the page dedicated to this information and available in their Reserved Area.
All registered Users have a login and a password. These are strictly personal and confidential and may not be communicated to third parties under penalty of deletion of the account of the offending Registered User. Each Registered User is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her login and password. The Association shall not be held liable for any impersonation of a User. If a User suspects fraud at any time, he/she must contact the Association as soon as possible so that the latter can take the necessary measures and regularise the situation.
Each User may only hold one account on the Site.
In the event of non-compliance with the GTC, in particular the creation of several accounts for a single person or the provision of false information, the Association reserves the right to temporarily or permanently delete all accounts created by the offending User.
The deletion of an account shall result in the permanent loss of all benefits and services acquired on the Site.
In the event of deletion of an account by the Association for failure to comply with the duties and obligations set out in the GCU, the offending User is formally prohibited from re-registering on the Site directly, via another e-mail address or through an intermediary without the express authorisation of the Association.
5. Use of the Member Area
In general, the User undertakes not to use the Site, and all information and data to which he/she may have access, for illegal or harmful purposes, for commercial, political or advertising purposes or for any commercial solicitation, including the sending of unsolicited mass e-mails or junk mail.
The website provides the user with free access to the following features and services:
- A dashboard allowing quick access to the most important information of his profile;
- A member profile is a space where the user can consult and update his personal information, such as the name of his company, his address, his telephone number, etc;
- A membership page where they can view their membership details, bank account details, payment terms, renewal options, etc;
- A staff page where they can manage the accounts of their staff, add or delete them, and authorise them to access certain working groups or committees;
- An invoices page where they can consult their invoice history and download past invoices;
- A resources page is a space where the User can propose resources (articles, reports, videos, etc.) to the Website administrators who will decide whether or not to publish them on the Website;
- A job offers page where the User can propose to the Website administrators to publish his job offers.
In short, these services offered by the customer area allow Users to manage their account efficiently, to consult their personal information, to manage their collaborators’ accesses, to follow their invoices, to propose useful resources and to propose job offers.
The member’s area is accessible free of charge anywhere, to any User who is a Member of the Association and has access to the Internet. All costs incurred by the User in accessing the Site’s functionalities (computer hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) shall be borne by the User. It is reminded that non-Member Users do not have access to the reserved services.
Any User Member who is regularly registered may also request to be removed from the list by going to the dedicated page on his personal space. This will be effective within a reasonable time.
The Association shall not be held liable for any event due to force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the Site or server, subject to any interruption or modification in the event of maintenance. In these cases, the User thus agrees not to hold the publishing Association responsible for any interruption or suspension of services, even without prior notice.
The User has the possibility to contact the Site by electronic mail at the email address of the publisher communicated in ARTICLE 1.
6. Publication by the User
The Site allows User Members to publish the following content:
- Articles ;
- Reports ;
- Videos;
- Job offers.
It is important to note that the content published by Users may be subject to specific rules and publication procedures, such as rules of conduct, procedures for reporting inappropriate content, content restrictions, etc., which Users undertake to deal with personally and strictly.
In his publications, the Member also undertakes to respect the rules of Netiquette (rules of good conduct on the Internet) and the rules of law in force.
The Site may exercise moderation on the publications and reserves the right to refuse to put them online, without having to justify this to the Member.
The Member remains the owner of all his intellectual property rights. However, by publishing a publication on the Site, he/she grants the publishing Association the non-exclusive and free right to represent, reproduce, adapt, modify, disseminate and distribute his/her publication, directly or through an authorised third party, throughout the world, on any medium (digital or physical), for the duration of the intellectual property. In particular, the Member grants the right to use its publication on the Internet and on mobile telephone networks.
The publishing Association undertakes to include the Member’s name in the vicinity of each use of its publication.
Any content put online by the User is his sole responsibility, the Association shall not be held responsible in the event of erroneous or misleading information provided by the User of the member area.
The User therefore undertakes not to put any content online that could harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action taken by an injured third party against the Site shall be borne by the User.
The User’s content may be removed or modified by the Site at any time and for any reason, without prior notice.
7. Changes
The Association reserves the right to modify the Site, the Members’ Areas, these GTCs as well as any procedure for using the Reserved Area or any other element of the functionalities and services offered by the Association through this Site.
8. Processing of personal data
Browsing the Site and using the Reserved Area as specified in Article 5 entails the processing of the Member’s personal data. If the Member refuses the processing of his/her data, he/she is asked to refrain from using the Site.
This processing of personal data is done in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”).
Furthermore, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, the Member has the right to query, access, rectify, modify and oppose all of his or her personal data at any time by writing, by post and providing proof of identity, to the following address ADAN – 44, rue de Cléry 75002 PARIS.
This personal data is necessary for the processing of uses as well as for the improvement of the functionalities of the Site.
The aforementioned personal data of the Users are kept only for the time necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed, in compliance with the legislation in force.
9. Possible sharing of collected data
The Site may have recourse to third-party companies to carry out certain operations. By browsing the Site, the Member accepts that third-party companies may have access to his/her data to enable the proper functioning of the Site.
These third party companies only have access to the data collected in order to carry out a specific task.
The Site remains responsible for the processing of this data.
In addition, the User may receive information or commercial offers from the Association or its partners.
The User may at any time object to receiving such commercial offers by writing to the Association’s address given above, or by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the e-mails received.
Furthermore, Members’ information may be transmitted to third parties without their prior express consent in order to achieve the following purposes
- To comply with the law;
- To protect any person from serious bodily harm or death;
- To fight against fraud or attacks on the Association or its Users;
- To protect the property rights of the Association.
10. Data protection
The Association ensures an appropriate level of security proportionate to the risks incurred and their likelihood, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016.
However, these measures in no way constitute a guarantee and do not commit the Association to any obligation of result regarding data security.
11. Hypertext links
Hypertext links may be present on the Site. The User is informed that by clicking on these links, he/she will leave the Site. has no control over the web pages to which these links lead and cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for their content.
Furthermore, the setting up by Users of any hypertext link to all or part of the Site is authorised, subject to prior written authorisation from the Association, requested by e-mail at the following address: [email protected]
The Association is free to refuse this authorisation without having to justify its decision in any way whatsoever. If the Association grants its authorisation, it is in any case only temporary and may be withdrawn at any time without justification. In any case, any link must be withdrawn on request.
12. Cookies
To enable its Users to benefit from optimal browsing on the Site and improved operation of the various interfaces and applications, the Association may place a cookie on the User’s computer. This cookie enables information relating to browsing on the Site to be stored, as well as any data entered by Users (in particular searches, login, email, password).
The User expressly authorises the Association to place a “cookie” file on the User’s hard disk.
The User has the option of saving, modifying the duration of storage, or deleting this cookie via the interface of his/her browser. If the systematic deactivation of cookies on the User’s browser prevents him/her from using certain services or functionalities of the Site, this malfunctioning shall in no way constitute damage for the member, who shall not be entitled to claim any compensation as a result.
13. Responsibility
The sources of the information published on the Site are deemed reliable but the Site does not guarantee that it is free of defects, errors or omissions.
The information provided is presented for information purposes only and has no contractual value. Despite regular updates, the website cannot be held responsible for changes in administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication. Similarly, the site cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in this site.
The Site cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the computer or any other computer equipment of the User, following use, access or downloading from this Site.
The Site cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.
The Association may not be held liable for the unavailability of the Website, whether temporary or permanent, and although it makes every effort to ensure that the service is always available, it may be interrupted at any time. In addition, the Association reserves the right to voluntarily make the Website unavailable in order to carry out any updating, improvement or maintenance operation.
14. Intellectual property
All trademarks, logos, illustrations, photographs, texts, comments, images (animated or not), video sequences, sounds, architecture of the Site, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate this Site and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the Site are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.
Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the Association which publishes and owns the Site, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the publishing Association does not initiate legal proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of the unauthorised use does not mean that it accepts the previous use and does not prosecute.
It is therefore strictly forbidden for the User to:
- Copy, reproduce, represent, disseminate, distribute, publish, permanently or temporarily, all or part of the content and/or the Website by any means and on any medium known or unknown to date;
- Create derivative works from the Content and/or the Website;
- Modify, translate, adapt, arrange, all or part of the Content and/or the Website.
Thus, any total or partial representation of this Website by any process whatsoever, without the express authorisation of the Website operator, would constitute an infringement punishable by Article L 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
In accordance with article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, it is reminded that the User who reproduces, copies or publishes protected content must cite the author and his source.
15. Jurisdiction clause
The law governing the present GTU is French law. Any dispute that may arise between the Association and a User during the performance of these GTUs must first be the subject of an attempt at amicable resolution. Failing this, any disputes shall be referred to the competent courts under ordinary law, subject to any specific attribution of jurisdiction resulting from a particular law or regulation.