25 Jan 2022

Adan’s Manifesto for the attention of the candidates in the 2022 presidential election

In this document, Adan puts forward its 20 proposals to the candidates in the 2022 presidential election to strengthen the development of the French digital assets industry.
24 Jan 2022

Adan’s manifesto to the candidates for the 2022 French presidential election

In this document, Adan presents its 20 proposals to the candidates for the 2022 French presidential election to strengthen the development of the French crypto-assets industry.
21 Jan 2022

Review of 2021 and projections for 2022

The year 2021 proved to be special for the digital asset industry in many ways. While new waves in the health crisis continued to affect the economy as a whole, the cryptoasset industry was able to steer its course and navigate between several phenomena that had already begun in 2020.
19 Jan 2022

BFM Business Replay: Will 2022 be a pivotal political year for crypto?

Faustine Fleuret was Guillaume Sommerer's guest at BFM Business to explain how 2022 will be a pivotal political year for crypto-assets.
14 Jan 2022

Our 2021 actions and 2022 good resolutions

In this new year, while sending its best wishes to the digital assets industry, Adan has prepared its 2021 retrospective and identified the actions planned for 2022.
13 Jan 2022

The benefits and risks of anonymity enhanced crypto-assets

In order to compensate for the lack of confidentiality of Bitcoin transactions, some crypto-assets such as Monero, ZCash, Dash allow to reinforce the anonymity of the protagonists of a crypto-asset transaction
12 Jan 2022

BSMART replay “Cryptos: What to watch in 2022?”

Watch the replay of the SMART PATRIMOINE programme, where Faustine Fleuret, President and CEO of ADAN, reveals the challenges of digital assets for 2022.
22 Dec 2021

Newsletter – 2021 Year-end

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with the various information related to Adan for the month of December.
20 Dec 2021

Adan’s position on FATF’s updated guidance for a risk-based approach

In this document, Adan gives its analysis and position on the updated FATF guidance.