08 Nov 2021

Newsletter – November 2021

Find out more about Adan's October news in our new newseltter!
05 Nov 2021

The future of the French crypto sector lies between attractiveness and credibility

Adan press release of 4 November 2021 following the event "Crypto: what is at stake?"
15 Oct 2021

French taxation of digital assets – Proposals for improvement 2021

In this report, Adan presents proposals on the taxation of crypto-assets covering three key objectives: to meet the challenges created by the new uses of crypto-assets, to promote the financing of the real economy and to refine the regime established in 2019 for individuals by correcting its teething problems.
12 Oct 2021

Newsletter – October 2021

September marked the beginning of the new school year for Adan, find all our news in the October newsletter.
29 Sep 2021

Blockchain protocols and their energy footprint

For several months now, crypto-assets - bitcoin in particular - have been the subject of fierce controversy over their energy footprint. The proposed classification aims to diversify the debate.
29 Sep 2021

Replay Surfin Bitcoin 2021 “After the crypto tsunami, the wave of regulation?”

Replay of the Surfin Bitcoin 2021 conference where Faustine Fleuret went with William O'Rorke to review the state of regulation of digital assets
29 Sep 2021

Blockchain protocols and their energy footprint

For several months, crypto-assets - bitcoin in the first place - have been the subject of heated controversy regarding their energy footprint. The proposed classification tends to diversify the debate.
03 Sep 2021

September 2021 News

After a short summer break, Adan is preparing for a rich and busy fall. While at the European level, the debates on MiCA and the pilot regime are still dragging on and mobilising us, the work on the strengthening of the anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism framework, based on the new package
02 Sep 2021

Interview by Faustine Fleuret for B SMART

Faustine Fleuret: SMART PATRIMOINE show on Wednesday 1 September 2021