19 Aug 2021
Interview by Simon Polrot for BSMART
Here is the replay of BSMART's Tech talk of Wednesday, March 24, 2021 on the theme of NFT in which Simon Polrot spoke alongside Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel (Arianee) and Hadrien Zerah (Nomadic Labs).
19 Aug 2021
Simon Polrot’s interview at the Blockchain Task Force meeting
Presentation of ADAN, the French professional association for the promotion of digital assets, by Simon Polrot at the Blockchain Task Force meeting organised by the General Directorate for Enterprises at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance on 10 February 2020.
17 Aug 2021
The state of the relationship between the banking and finance sector and the crypto assets industry
Adan publishes its survey report on the state of relations between crypto-blockchain companies and the banking-finance sector. This document takes stock of the difficulties encountered, their origins and the deleterious consequences of this situation in the short and long term. The recommendations of the respondents to
17 Aug 2021
Security Tokens: Towards a Suitable European Regulatory Framework
It is in the context of European-level discussions, and in line with the AMF’s proposal, that Adan, AFTI, AMAFI and the Gide255 team lead a consultation for security token ecosystem stakeholders.
30 Jul 2021
Crypto-blockchain use cases to improve the energy transition
This article briefly presents these various projects facilitating the ecological transition. It is not intended to call into question the energy consumption of the crypto-blockchain industry, but to provide a new angle to the debate on the environmental footprint of crypto-assets.
30 Jul 2021
Newsletter – August 2021
Adan is about to close its doors for two short weeks, time for the team to recharge its batteries after a month of July that reflected the first half of 2021: intense. We are proud of the success of the first edition of our Crypto Finance Forum. With around thirty specialists, this day allowed a […]
22 Jul 2021
Crypto-assets: It is our duty to build tomorrow’s finance together by Pierre Person, MP for Paris
To close the Crypto Finance Forum 2021, MP Pierre Person proposes his action plan as well as his recommendations towards decision makers and regulators in order to build the French cryptofinance of tomorrow.
21 Jul 2021
One year after its creation, the Adan publishes its first annual report
The Association for the Development of Digital Assets (Adan) has published its first-ever annual report. The report covers all of the association's activity in the year 2020.
15 Jul 2021
Digital Euro : Adan gives its position on the deployment of a CBDC in Europe.
The strong competitiveness of the United States in private forms of currency and the advance of Asia in its "digitised" currency are widening the gap in global currency competition. The development of private stablecoins and the opening up of competition in means of payment with the help of innovative players are an ef