23 Jun 2021
Replay Banque de France “Crypto-assets: what will become a standard?”
Voici la rediffusion de la conférence en ligne "crypto-assets : what will become a standard" organisée par la Banque de France et dans laquelle Faustine Fleuret, présidente de l'Adan, est intervenue pour présenter les principaux standards relatifs aux actifs numériques.
13 Jun 2021
Intervention by Faustine Fleuret and Simon Polrot for Cryptoast
Here is the replay of the Cryptoast podcast #21 in which Faustine Fleuret and Simon Polrot decipher the regulatory framework applicable to digital assets.
Here is the replay of the online conference "Crypto-assets: what will become a standard" organised by the Banque de France and in which Faustine Fleuret, President
07 Jun 2021
Newsletter – June 2021
The month of May was no exception to the intense start of the year and was again marked by a wealth of news. In particular, market movements have been the subject of much ink and attention. However, the risk is to miss the honest debate. As our report on the state of play in 2020 […]
03 Jun 2021
Conference “The French digital assets sector in 2020”
On June 2nd, Adan organised a web conference on the digital asset industry in 2020. This event analysed and transcribed data from our latest survey report on the state of play and development prospects of the cryptoasset and blockchain technology industry. The speakers at this conference were Faustine Fleuret (Presiden
31 May 2021
Interview by Faustine Fleuret and Sebastien Couture for Ubble
Here is a replay of the speeches made by Faustine Fleuret, President of Adan, and Sébastien Couture, Communications Director, at the webinar organised by Ubble, a French company offering identity verification solutions, particularly in the context of AML/CFT compliance.
31 May 2021
Replay Ubble “Crypto: more mainstream, more regulated”
Voici la rediffusion des interventions de Faustine Fleuret, présidente de l'Adan, et Sébastien Couture, directeur de la communication, au webinaire organisé par Ubble, société française proposant des solutions de vérification d'identité, notamment dans le cadre de la conformité LCB-FT.
28 May 2021
Technological vs legal purpose: Adan calls for technological neutrality of the regulation
Adan participated in the European Commission’s consultation, launched as part of its reflections on revising the Finality Directive. On this occasion, the Commission is once again looking at the security token issue as a follow-up to its work on creating a pilot scheme (see detailed background below). In summary,
26 May 2021
Interview by Simon Porlot for CoinTribune
Here is the replay of Simon Polrot's speech for CoinTribune. In this video, Simon Porlot explains the issues related to the development of the crypto-blockchain industry in France.
25 May 2021
Interview by Simon Porlot for BSMART
Simon Polrot: Crypto-currency boom: putting the brakes on?