22 Jul 2020
Consultation on Stablecoins and Global Stablecoins
In response to the FSB consultation on stablecoins, Adan insists on the abandonment of the concept of GSC, the opportunities offered by stablecoins for the crypto ecosystem and the entire financial system, and the need to define a dedicated, adapted and proportionate regulatory framework.
17 Jul 2020
Consultation on a new digital finance strategy for Europe
In April 2020, the European Commission launched a major consultation with the “Fintech” industry with a view to reviewing and updating - by the third quarter of 2020 - its strategy on “Digital Finance”. Within Fintech, digital assets offer promising prospects for financial innovation.
09 Jul 2020
Constitution of VASP and European Affairs Committees
As part of its mission to develop the digital assets sector, Adan announces the creation of its first committees. They bring together communities of interest from several members of the Association and aim to address certain issues more effectively. The committees, which are specialized in specific topics, may set
07 Jul 2020
News of June 2020
This month of progressive exit from lockdown was particularly busy! Here are the Adan news of June 2020.
29 Jun 2020
Review of the MiFIDII/MiFIR regulatory framework
In this response to the consultation, Adan presents in particular the benefits of blockchain and digital assets to optimise financial infrastructures and the regulatory obstacles that need to be overcome.
22 Jun 2020
“FinTechs” sector survey
In response to the Competition Authority’s investigation (Autorité de la concurrence), Adan reports on the persistent blockages encountered by the crypto industry with banking institutions and warns of the danger of such inertia, particularly with the COVID crisis19 .
02 Jun 2020
Virtual event: what impact of the crisis on the digital asset industry?
On 8 June, Adan will present the results of its work on the impact of the Covid19 crisis on the digital asset industry and in particular our survey.
19 May 2020
Survey for a regulation adapted to security tokens
ADAN is actively working on regulatory issues related to security tokens. It is in the context of this work that ADAN is delighted to launch a major survey of the players involved in the development of the security token market.
05 May 2020
Letter to Members of Parliament on the extension of the PSAN (digital assets service providers) regime
Letter to Members of Parliament on the extension of the PSAN (digital assets service providers) regime