16 Dec 2022

Replay : Crypto & Blockchain – Looking beyond the bear market

Watch the replay of our President Faustine Fleuret's intervention in the Interop podcast presented by Sebastien Couture, alongside Réda Berrehili (Ki foundation), Jayendra Jog (Sei protocol) and Nicola Santoni (lemniscap).
14 Dec 2022

BFM Crypto Replay: DASP approval soon mandatory for crypto-companies?

This Tuesday, December 13, Our President Faustine Fleuret explained the risks related to the implementation of a mandatory approval for DASPs in France alongside Vincent Ganne, technical analyst of the financial markets, and Valentin Demé, journalist at Cryptoast at BFM Crypto, the Club in the program BFM Bourse prese
12 Dec 2022

Replay Public Sénat: Crypto-currencies: a risky boom?

On November 28, 2022, our President Faustine Fleuret spoke to Public Sénat and reminded them of the challenges of harmonizing the regulation of crypto-assets in Europe. In the end, the FTX case highlights the problem of supervision rather than regulation in France and in Europe.
09 Dec 2022

Replay: What impact has the FTX bankruptcy had on the perception of the crypto ecosystem?

Watch our President Faustine Fleuret on BFM Business as she discusses the consequences of the FTX case for the crypto-asset sector.
09 Dec 2022

Replay Le Débat Engagé : Meeting with Christophe De Beukelaer

On October 28, 2022, Faustine Fleuret (President and CEO, Adan) spoke on Christophe De Beukelaer's channel about the future of crypto-assets in Europe.
08 Dec 2022

BSMART replay: Faustine Fleuret’s talk “What are the challenges for the crypto ecosystem in 2023?”

This Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Faustine Fleuret (President and CEO, Adan) spoke on Nicolas Pagniez's SMART Patrimoine show for BMSART and revisited the FTX case and the challenges of the crypto ecosystem for 2023.
02 Dec 2022

AuCOFFRE Replay: Faustine Fleuret’s talk “Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum… Goodbye euro, hello crypto?”

Watch Faustine Fleuret's speech at the "Tomorrow's Wars" event, which deciphers the role that crypto-assets will have tomorrow on the financial scene in France and Europe.
01 Dec 2022

Replay Surfin’Bitcoin 2022 : Démystification : bitcoin, blanchiment et régulation (MiCA)

Watch the replay of the Surfin'Bitcoin Panel "Demystification: bitcoin, money laundering and regulation (MiCA)" where Faustine Fleuret, President and CEO of Adan went over the European regulation of crypto-assets.
01 Dec 2022

Replay Surfin’Bitcoin 2022: Demystification: bitcoin, laundering and regulation (MiCA)

Watch the replay of Surfin’Bitcoin’s “Demystification: bitcoin, money laundering and regulation (MiCA)” panel where Faustine Fleuret, President and CEO of Adan went over the European regulation of crypto-assets.